Firstly, what is soil really? From making mud pies as kids to planting flowers, but what is in it?
Soil is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, water, air, and living organisms that cover the surface of the Earth. It is a complex and dynamic system that supports life by providing a medium for plant growth and serving as a habitat for countless microorganisms, insects, and larger animals.
Soil is formed by the weathering and decomposition of rocks and other materials, along with the accumulation of organic matter from dead plants, such as leaves, and animals. It can take hundreds or even thousands of years for soil to form, and the composition and properties of soil can vary widely depending on factors such as climate, geology, topography, (use or overuse), and vegetation.

Soil has many important functions, including:
- Supporting plant growth by providing nutrients, water, and a stable physical structure for roots to anchor in.
- Storing and cycling nutrients, water, and carbon, which are essential for ecosystem functioning.
- Filtering and purifying water as it percolates through the soil, removing pollutants and other contaminants.
- Serving as a habitat for countless microorganisms, insects, and larger animals, many of which play important roles in nutrient cycling and decomposition.
Soil is a vital resource for all societies, as it is the foundation of agriculture and provides many ecosystems. However, soil degradation due to factors such as erosion, pollution, and overuse is a major global issue that can have serious ecological, social, and economic consequences. The old idea of leaving a field fallow for a year to regenerate is not being used in our modern farming, this could be as a result of more and more being grown to feed us.
Potting mix, also known as potting soil, is a blend of organic matter, inorganic materials, and other additives that may provide the necessary nutrients, drainage, and aeration for plants to grow, either in containers or in garden beds. The price of potting mix can vary widely, from a few dollars to upwards of $50 per bag. The price is also dependent upon where you live.

A few differences between cheap and expensive potting mixes
- Organic Matter Content: Cheap potting mixes often contain less organic matter than more expensive ones. Organic matter is important for water retention, nutrient uptake, and microbial activity, so a potting mix with less organic matter may require more frequent watering and fertilization.
- Nutrient Content: Expensive potting mixes may have more nutrients than cheaper ones, which can be beneficial for plant growth. However, if plants are overfed, it can lead to fertilizer burn or stunted growth.
- pH Level: The pH level of a potting mix can impact plant growth, as some plants prefer acidic soil while others prefer alkaline soil. More expensive potting mixes may have pH levels adjusted to specific plant needs, while cheaper mixes may not.
- Drainage: Good drainage is essential for healthy plant growth, and more expensive potting mixes may have better drainage than cheaper ones. However, this can be improved by adding perlite, vermiculite, or sand to a cheaper mix.
- Aeration: Plants need oxygen to their roots for healthy growth, and potting mixes with more expensive ingredients like coconut coir, peat moss, or perlite provide better aeration. Cheaper potting mixes may be more compact and dense, which can lead to root rot and other issues.

So yes, there can be differences between the cheap and expensive potting mixes, but it is not necessarily the case that more expensive potting mixes are always better. It still comes back to the needs of the plants you are growing and the conditions in which they are growing; your environment. With your research, monitoring, and adjustment of the potting mix with various nutrients and fertilizers may be necessary for optimal plant growth.